Setting up earlier versions#

These instructions are for versions 1 and 2. There are only minor differences between the two.

Monitors sent before April 2023 will be version 1 or version 2 depending on the construction and software details. There are only minor differences.

If your venue does not have wifi, you have one box, a sensor unit. You will need to put it somewhere representative of the space and then connect to it every week or two to download and send us the data. This is just like “save mode” on version 3 monitors.

If your venue has wifi then you will have two boxes: a sensor unit and a base station or “hub” that will take readings from the sensor and send them to the internet automatically. The sensor unit has to be somewhere that reflects how people will feel in a space, but the hub just needs to be plugged in within radio range of the sensor unit. This is called “radio mode” on version 3 monitors.