The group process#

Some groups may end up talking about some difficult and contentious issues that relate deeply to the members’ values and sense of who they are and what their community is for. In this kind of group, it’s important to avoid creating unresolved discord. We want groups to establish common ground, acknowledge their differences, and come to a common sense of how to proceed for the good of the community as a whole.

To aid this process, we use “A Recipe” as a basic group agreement:

  • A — Avoid assumptions

  • R — Respect each other

  • E — Everyone’s contribution counts

  • C — Confidentiality

  • I — I speak for myself

  • P — Pass if you have nothing you wish to say

  • E — Expect to participate

If you write these out on flipchart paper and stick them up, everyone can remind themselves of them during the sessions. The group will discuss the group agreement and make any changes they wish to it during the first session.