Finding a group leader#

The engineer’s role in the group is to guide you through the decisions that you need to make, looking after the technical side of the programme. One member of your group will need to act as the group’s leader, looking after the “people” side. This means:

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

  • scheduling the group sessions, making sure there is a space available and working out how the group can access the busy buildings for activities like the site survey

  • arranging access to any documentation for the building

  • running some of the session activities, looking after the group dynamics, and keeping track of the time

  • liaising with building’s owners or management about what happens as a result of the programme

In some groups, the engineer is happy to take both roles, but it’s more usual for it to be two different people.


The group leader doesn’t make decisions based on input from the group! The group leader helps the group reach good decisions by encouraging the quiet to speak and ensuring everyone’s voice is heard. Otherwise, the group risks missing important points that could make it difficult to progress. It’s important to keep this in mind when deciding who it should be.