Gas safety#

Sometimes gas boilers in community buildings aren’t very well maintained. Soot around the appliance, a yellow or orange weak flame instead of a blue one, or a pilot light that blows out easily are all signs that a gas leak is more likely.

If you smell gas:

  • Do not smoke or light matches

  • Do not turn electrical switches on or off

  • Open all doors and windows

  • Turn off the meter at the control handle if possible

  • Call the National Gas Emergency number (0800 111 999)


Gas meters are especially dangerous, and for this reason storage in gas meter cupboards or rooms is not allowed. There must be a large air gap between any electrical devices and the meter. Sometimes technology enthusiasts attach devices to gas meters to take meter readings automatically. This can be dangerous, and your supplier will let you know that they are very unhappy if they find out. In particular, never plug a cable into a gas meter even if you recognise the connector and have a cable with a connector that fits. If it applies power to the meter, this could cause an explosion.