Control ventilation automatically#

Because it’s hard to control what users do in buildings, installing automatic ventilation controls is an attractive option. These provide the right amount of ventilation without users having to think about it. Professionals design them to provide the right number of air changes per hour for the type of space and to ensure moisture exits the building.

We don’t know what to say about this option because it’s hard to judge the benefit and the expense. It’s especially difficult for traditional buildings. Conservationist are very concerned about the damage that they see in buildings that have had inappropriate work done. They are also concerned about the cost of fixing automatic ventilation systems when they go wrong, since work in traditional buildings can be very expensive.

As a community, we need to develop a better understanding of whether it’s possible to obtain professional assessments of ventilation needs and recommendations that won’t damage our buildings. By including this card, we’re hoping to start a discussion.

Meanwhile, keep in mind that the more you rely on localised heating strategies instead of space heating, the less heat loss through excess ventilation matters. This is one way of working with the building you have instead of against it.