Install heated seating#


This card is really only of interest for church worship spaces with pews, although the general principle applies elsewhere.

heated pew cushions in Trier Cathedral

Heated pew cushions in Trier Cathedral

One way of making people comfortable is applying heat to the people instead of trying to heat the entire space - like with heated car seats. Some churches are moving to heated pew cushions. There are both small rechargeable ones and ones that are wired permanently into the mains that suit different applications.

Pew cushions can be used to reduce the reliance on other forms of heating but they can also be used as the sole form of heating, as they are, for instance, in the National Basilica of Slovakia. There are also similar panel heaters to mount vertically on the back of pews and on altars.

Even just having a cushion or something akin to carpet between people and the surface they’re sitting on will improve their thermal comfort.