Replace your boiler with one that is hydrogen-ready#

One way of reducing our reliance on fossil fuels is to replace natural gas as a fuel with hydrogen. Current (2022)”hydrogen-blend ready” boilers can tolerate up to 20% hydrogen mixed in with natural gas. Sometime in the next few years, models will be able to accept 100% hydrogen either from the start or with an adaptation that is meant to cost around £100.

Our problem with this is that no one knows how much carbon this will save. The UK doesn’t expect to decide what percentage of hydrogen will be in our future energy mix until 2026. If the UK decides to use hydrogen for heating because it means less disruption for householders, it will be generated from fossil fuels at least initially. Generating it from renewable electricity will require many extra off-shore wind farms or nuclear power plants than heating directly with electricity because using hydrogen is less efficient.

We view this as a last resort option for groups whose boilers stop working and who can’t manage to heat their premises any other way. Relying on hydrogen is risky financially and bad for the climate.